World vector map

Apache ECharts is an open source Javascript visualization library with very extensive customization options and powerful rendering engine. The library provides more than 20 chart types available out of the box, along with a dozen components, and each of them can be arbitrarily combined to use. And progressive rendering and stream loading make it possible to render 10 million data in realtime. This example shows a simple geo chart type rendered in SVG.

Combination with chart

ECharts engine allows you to combine multiple chart types with shared or multiple data sets. This example demonstrates a combination of world map and scatter chart. The demo data used in this example represents population by country. Countries and bubbles are both interactive: hover on bubbles to see the tooltip with details, hover on country to see the country name. This behaviour can be easily configured.


In this example, world map is zoomed in to a certain viewport (Europe) that is specified in center configuration option in longitude and latitude by default.

Effect scatter

ECharts maps support effectScatter series type, which adds the scatter (bubble) graph with ripple animation. The special animation effect can visually highlight some data.

Enable scale

Use roam: 'scale' option to enable map zooming on scroll. You can also use scaleLimit option to set minimum and maximum scaling, where the default value is '1'.

Enable move

If you set roam option to 'move', map becomes draggable, but not scalable. Zoom level and aspect ratio of the map are fixed in this case.

Enable scale and move

If you set roam option to true, map becomes draggable and scalable. All options from both scale and move examples also work in this setup.

Initial zoom level

You can control the initial zoom rate of current viewport with zoom option. The default value is 1, in this example it's set to 6 to scale down Europe map.

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