Solid buttons
Buttons with solid background color
Light button

Light button is considered default in the UI. Use .btn.btn-light classes in anchor, button or input element

Light with icon

Light button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Light with menu

Light button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Solid button

Solid button supports 14 predefined colors. Use .btn.btn-[color] classes in anchor, button or input element

Solid with icon

Solid button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Solid with menu

Solid button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Rounded button

Use a combination of .btn and .rounded-pill classes in button, anchor or input element to make any button fully rounded

Rounded with icon

Rounded button can be also used with text label, icons and/or combination of both. No extra adjustments are required

Rounded with menu

Rounded button with dropdown menu. In certain cases horizontal padding can be extended with utility classes

Labeled button

In labeled button icons are separated from text label with slightly darker background color. This color can be adjusted via utility classes

Rounded with label

Rounded labeled button requires .rounded-pill class to be added to both button and icon elements

Labeled with menu

Labeled button with dropdown menu. Supports left and right alignment. All other options also work in this button type

Icon button

Button can be used with icon only. For better sizing (width = height), use optional .btn-icon class in button element

Rounded with icon

Add .rounded-pill to .btn-icon to show perfectly rounded button in 38x38 size. Works with all button styles and sizes

Icon button with menu

Icon button has variable width and is controlled by padding. Add .dropdown-toggle to .btn-icon to show directional arrow

Floating button

Button in slightly bigger size to stand out and attract more attention to specific actions. Supports all button colors and options

Floating with text

In floating buttons text label is displayed on the second line. Adjust text alignment or spacing with our utility classes

Rounded floating buttons

Floating buttons without text label can be displayed in fully rounded style. Just add .rounded-pill to the button element

Outline buttons
Buttons in outline styles with transparent background in default state
Outline button

Use .btn.btn-outline-[color] classes on button element to remove background color in default state

Outline with icon

Outline button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Outline with menu

Outline button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Static outline button

Static outline button has no background color in all states. Use .link-[color] and .border-[color] classes on .btn element

Solid with icon

Static outline button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Solid with menu

Static outline button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Rounded outline button

Use a combination of .btn-outline-[color] and .rounded-pill classes to make any button fully rounded

Rounded outline with icon

Rounded button can be also used with text label, icons and/or combination of both. No extra adjustments are required

Outline with menu

Rounded button with dropdown menu. In certain cases horizontal padding can be extended with utility classes

Labeled outline button

In labeled outline button icons are separated from text label with slightly darker background color. This color can be adjusted via utility classes

Outline rounded with label

Rounded labeled outline button requires .rounded-pill class to be added to both button and icon elements

Labeled outline with menu

Labeled outline button with dropdown menu. Supports left and right alignment. All other options also work in this button type

Icon outline button

Outline button can be used with icon only. For better sizing (width = height), use optional .btn-icon class in button element

Rounded outline with icon

Add .rounded-pill to .btn-icon to show perfectly rounded button in 38x38 size. Works with all button styles and sizes

Outline icon button with menu

Icon button has variable width and is controlled by padding. Add .dropdown-toggle to .btn-icon to show directional arrow

Floating outline button

Button in slightly bigger size to stand out and attract more attention to specific actions. Supports all button colors and options

Floating outline with text

In floating buttons text label is displayed on the second line. Adjust text alignment or spacing with our utility classes

Rounded floating outline buttons

Floating buttons without text label can be displayed in fully rounded style. Just add .rounded-pill to the button element

Transparent border

Use .border-transparent class in addition to .btn-outline-[color] to make border transparent in all button states

Default border

All outline buttons have 1px border width by default and don't require any additional border utility classes

Thick border

You can control border width in outline buttons with our .border-width-[size] utility classes. Here border width is 2px

Flat buttons
Buttons with light backgrounds in various types
Flat button

Use .btn.btn-flat-[color] classes on button element to show semi transparent background color

Flat with icon

Flat button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Flat with menu

Flat button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Rounded flat button

Use a combination of .btn-flat-[color] and .rounded-pill classes to make any button fully rounded

Rounded flat with icon

Rounded button can be also used with text label, icons and/or combination of both. No extra adjustments are required

Rounded flat with menu

Rounded button with dropdown menu. In certain cases horizontal padding can be extended with utility classes

Labeled flat button

In labeled flat button icons are separated from text label with slightly darker background color. This color can be adjusted via utility classes

Rounded flat with label

Rounded labeled flat button requires .rounded-pill class to be added to both button and icon elements

Labeled flat with menu

Labeled flat button with dropdown menu. Supports left and right alignment. All other options also work in this button type

Icon flat button

Flat button can be used with icon only. For better sizing (width = height), use optional .btn-icon class in button element

Rounded flat with icon

Add .rounded-pill to .btn-icon to show perfectly rounded button in 38x38 size. Works with all button styles and sizes

Flat icon button with menu

Icon button has variable width and is controlled by padding. Add .dropdown-toggle to .btn-icon to show directional arrow

Floating flat button

Button in slightly bigger size to stand out and attract more attention to specific actions. Supports all button colors and options

Floating flat with text

In floating buttons text label is displayed on the second line. Adjust text alignment or spacing with our utility classes

Rounded floating flat buttons

Floating buttons without text label can be displayed in fully rounded style. Just add .rounded-pill to the button element

Transparent border

Use .border-transparent class in addition to .btn-flat-[color] to make border transparent in all button states

Default border

All flat buttons have 1px border width by default and don't require any additional border utility classes

Thick border

You can control border width in flat buttons with our .border-width-[size] utility classes. Here border width is 2px

Link buttons
Buttons with default text link styles
Link button

Link button has same size as other buttons, but background and border colors are transparent and text color is similar to text link color

Link button with icon

Link button can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Link button with menu

Link button also supports dropdown menus in various directions. Use .dropdown-toggle to display directional arrow

Labeled link button

In labeled link button icons are separated from text label with custom background color. This color can be adjusted via utility classes

Link button with rounded label

Rounded labeled link button requires .rounded-pill class to be added to icon element

Labeled link button with menu

Labeled link button with dropdown menu. Supports left and right alignment. All other options also work in this button type

Button sizes
Buttons in large, medium and small sizes
Solid button sizes

Use .btn-[color].btn-[sm|lg] classes to control solid button size. Default button size doesn't require additional class names

Solid button with label

Use .btn-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .btn-labeled.btn-labeled-[start|end] classes to control labeled solid button size

Rounded solid button

Use .btn-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .rounded-pill classes to control rounded solid button size

Outline button sizes

Use .btn-outline-[color].btn-[sm|lg] classes to control outline button size. Default button size doesn't require additional class names

Outline button with label

Use .btn-outline-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .btn-labeled.btn-labeled-[start|end] classes to control labeled outline button size

Rounded outline button

Use .btn-outline-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .rounded-pill classes to control rounded outline button size

Default button sizes

Use .btn-flat-[color].btn-[sm|lg] classes to control flat button size. Default button size doesn't require additional class names

Labeled button sizes

Use .btn-flat-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .btn-labeled.btn-labeled-[start|end] classes to control labeled flat button size

Outline button sizes

Use .btn-flat-[color].btn-[sm|lg] and .rounded-pill classes to control rounded flat button size

Button colors
Predefined button sizing options
Light button

Use .btn-[light|outline-light|flat-light] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Dark button

Use .btn-[dark|outline-dark|flat-dark] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Primary button

Use .btn-[primary|outline-primary|flat-primary] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Secondary button

Use .btn-[secondary|outline-secondary|flat-secondary] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Danger button

Use .btn-[danger|outline-danger|flat-danger] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Success button

Use .btn-[success|outline-success|flat-success] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Warning button

Use .btn-[warning|outline-warning|flat-warning] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Info button

Use .btn-[info|outline-info|flat-info] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Indigo button

Use .btn-[indigo|outline-indigo|flat-indigo] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Pink button

Use .btn-[pink|outline-pink|flat-pink] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Purple button

Use .btn-[purple|outline-purple|flat-purple] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Yellow button

Use .btn-[yellow|outline-yellow|flat-yellow] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Teal button

Use .btn-[teal|outline-teal|flat-teal] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

White button

Use .btn-[white|outline-white|flat-white] class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Link button

Use .btn-link class with the base .btn in any input, anchor or button element

Icon alignment
Examples of left and right icon alignment in buttons
Left icon alignment

Add icon markup before button text and add optional .me-2 class to add extra spacing between them

Right icon alignment

Add icon markup after button text and add optional .ms-2 class to add extra spacing between them

Right in dropdown

Icons with left and right alignment work well in button with dropdown menu, directional arrow doesn't overlap custom icons

Left label position

Use .btn-labeled.btn-labeled-start classes in button element to align icon label to the left

Right label position

Use .btn-labeled.btn-labeled-end classes in button element to align icon label to the right

Right in dropdown

Labeled button with icon is also adapted for use in button with dropdown menu. Here icon is displayed after directional arrow

Button dropdowns
Dropdown menus attached to buttons
Button dropdown

Use .dropdown-toggle class to show directional arrow in button dropdown and data-bs-toggle="dropdown" to trigger the menu

Menu with icon

Button with dropdown can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Segmented button

A split button with dropdown. Use additional .dropdown-toggle-split class for proper spacing around the dropdown caret

Button dropup

Trigger dropdown menus above elements by adding .dropup to the parent element of dropdown toggler

Drop right

Trigger dropdown menus at the right of the elements by adding .dropend to the parent element of dropdown toggler

Drop left

Trigger dropdown menus at the left of the elements by adding .dropstart to the parent element of dropdown toggler

Rounded button dropup

Trigger dropdown menus above rounded button by adding .dropup to the parent element of dropdown toggler

Rounded button menu

Rounded button with dropdown can be used with text, icons or combination of both. There is no limit in number of icons per button

Rounded segmented

A split rounded button with dropdown. Use additional .dropdown-toggle-split class for proper spacing around the dropdown caret

Labeled button dropup

Trigger dropdown menus above labeled button by adding .dropup to the parent element of dropdown toggler

Labeled segmented

A split labeled button with dropdown. Use additional .dropdown-toggle-split class for proper spacing around the dropdown caret

Segmented dropup

A split labeled button with dropup. Use additional .dropdown-toggle-split class for proper spacing around the dropdown caret

Icon button dropup

Dropup menu can be attached to any button, including buttons with icons only. Logic and markup are the same

Segmented dropdown icon

Example of segmented button with dropdown menu, attached to button with icon only. Works best in button toolbars

Segmented dropup button

Dropup is dynamic, meaning if there's not enough space above or below the button, it automatically flips

Additional options
Button toolbars, groups and controls
Loading button

Custom loading state

Radio button group

Bootstrap radio button group

Justified link group

Justified links in button group

Button group

Group of buttons in btn-group

Single toggle button

Using data-toggle="button"

Button group nesting

Example of nested button groups

Button toolbar

Complex btn-group components

Checkbox button group

Bootstrap checkbox button group

Justified button group

Justified buttons in button group

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