Basic examples
Sliders with basic functionality
Basic slider example

Default setup without configuration parameters. Initialize slider on regular input type="text" element

Set up range and step

In the following example slider is configured with a range that has negative values, both min and from options

Set start point

You can configure mininim value, maximum value and starting point of a range slider with min, max and start options

Custom stepping

Set slider step using step option. Slider step is always greater than 0 and could be fractional. Default value is 1

Basic range slider

To configure a basic range slider, set type config option to double and specify range with from and to options

Fractional step

A range slider with fractional values, meaning values have decimal values. Negative values are also supported

Customizing values
Prettify visual look of numbers
Custom number values

Set up custom numbers in the grid using an array of numbers in values config option. Make sure the grid is enabled

Disable prettify

If you need to show big and ugly numbers without any formatting, set prettify_enabled option to false

Custom value names

Besides numbers in your range slider you can also use any strings as your grid values in your values array

Enable prettify

Change visual look of big numbers and improve their readability by enabling prettify option and setting separator

Months values

Another example of using strings as values, here the grid and slider values display month shorthand names

Custom separator

Don't like spacing? Add your own separator with prettify_separator option. Use comma, space or any other symbol

Decorating numbers
Add prefixes, postfixes, symbols etc.
Numbers with prefix

Range slider supports custom prefix in values that can be set in prefix option. It can be any symbol or text

Decorate both values

Determine how to decorate close values. Used for "double" type and only if prefix or postfix was set up

Numbers with postfix

Adding custom postfix to values with postfix option. Will be set up right after the number and can be anything

Decoration separator

Set your own separator for close values. Used for double type. In this example " - " is changed to " → "

Number with no limit

You can manipulate text labels to simulate the value that has no fixed number. Use max_postfix option

Remove decoration

You can turn off decoration of the second value by setting decorate_both configuration option to false

Advanced examples
More complex slider examples
Values inside container

If force_edges is set to true, slider will be always displayed inside its container and numbers won't overflow

Grid values density

You can control the number of grid units with grid_num option. By default each interval has 4 sub intervals

Disabled slider

If disable option is set to true, slider becomes inactive and disabled. input is disabled too. Invisible to forms

Attach values to steps

Snap grid to sliders step (step param) by enabling grid_snap option. If activated, grid_num will not be used

Keyboard controls

If keyboard is set to true (default), slider can be controlled by keyboard using arrows and A, S, W and D keys

Fractional step

Attach values to fractional steps by setting grid and grid_snap options to true. By default grid snap is disabled

Manipulation intervals, handles etc.
Minimum interval size

Use min_interval option to set minimum diapason between sliders. Works only in double slider type

Lock left handle

Fix 'from' (or start) slider handle by setting from_fixed option to true. Works in both single and range sliders

Maximum interval size

Use max_interval option to set maximum diapason between sliders. Works only in double slider type

Lock right handle

Fix 'to' (or end) slider handle by setting to_fixed option to true. Works in both single and range sliders

Dragging interval

Enable dragging the whole range by setting drag_interval option to true. Works only in double slider type

Lock both handles

You can lock both slider handles and disable user interaction by setting both from_fixed and to_fixed to true

Other examples
Format date and time, setting limits etc.
Movement limit

Set limits (min and max) for slider movement using from_min | from_max and to_min | to_max options

Moment.js format

The format of date and time can be changed with moment.js library. Use min, max, from and prettify options

Highlight limited zone

If slider has movement limits, the zone can be highlighted with different color using from_shadow option

Time format

The same as with date formatting, but in this example we changed time format from 24 to 12 hours format

Highlight in range

More complex example of zone highlight, where both to_shadow and from_shadow are used in range slider type


Example of a range slider with date/ time localization using moment.js library. Works with all slider types and options

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