Dropdown menus
Dropdown menu component in light color theme
Basic dropdown

Toggle contextual overlays for displaying lists of links and more with the Bootstrap dropdown plugin

Disabled items

Add .disabled to menu items with .dropdown-item class in the dropdown to style them as disabled items

Active menu item

Add .active to menu items with .dropdown-item class in the dropdown to style them as active items

Dropdown headers
Label group headers with default and optional styling
Default header

Add a header to label sections of actions in any dropdown menu. Use .dropdown-header class for proper styling

Header with underline

Use dropdown divider as visual header separator. Make sure .dropdown-header also has .py-0 to reset inner spacing

Uppercase headers

You can change default header styling with our utility classes. In this example all headers are capitalized

Highlighted header

Use .bg-[color] and .text-[color] utility classes to apply custom background or text color

Heading elements

Headings are also allowed in dropdown header. Just use tags from h1 to h6 with .mb-0 class to reset default spacing

Menu header icons

All dropdown elements support icons. It is recommended to use flex utility classes for pixel perfect vertical alignment

Dropdown submenu
Custom multilevel submenu that opens on click and hover
Basic submenu (on click)

Opening submenu in dropdowns on click is recommended due to hover not being supported on touch screens

Basic submenu (on hover)

Toggling submenu on hover is also supported. To use, remove .dropdown-toggle class from menu items in submenu

Dropup menu (on click)

Submenus don't support dynamic flipping. You can do it manually by adding .dropup class to .dropdown-submenu container

Dropup menu (on hover)

The same works for submenus triggered on hover. Add .dropup to submenu and remove .dropdown-toggle from link

Left orientation (on click)

Add .dropdown-submenu-start to submenu container to display it on the left. Kepp in mind that it's not dynamic

Left orientation (on hover)

The same works for hover option. Add .dropdown-submenu-start to submenu and remove .dropdown-toggle from link

Dropdown elements
Icons, badges, checkboxes, radios and switches
Left menu item icons

Menu items support single or multiple icons. Use spacing util classes to control the distance betweek icons and item text

Right menu item icons

Add icon markup after menu item text label and add .ms-auto to align icon(s) to the right. Multiple icons are also supported

Icons and text combo

You can also mix inline text and icons. Wrap them in <div /> and add .ms-auto to align elements to the right

Dropdown with badges

Dropdown items support badges. Just add your badge after text label and apply .ms-auto to stick it to the right

Dropdown with pill badges

The same as with regular badges, but also add .rounded-pill to the badge. All other badge styling options are supported

Left positioned

If you need to show badges in some rare scenarios before the text, add it as a first element and apply .me-3 class

Menu with checkboxes

Dropdown menu also supports checkboxes in native and custom styling, and both can be aligned to the lext and right

Menu with radios

Radio buttons in native and custom styling are also supported, and both can be aligned to the lext and right

Menu with switches

Checkboxes and radio buttons in switch style. Also can be aligned to the left and right or used without text label

Optional elements and styling
Display custom text before or after list of links, scrollable menu
Dropdown text

Place any freeform text within a dropdown menu and use spacing utilities to control the distance

Scrollable menu

Add .dropdown-menu-scrollable[-sm|md|lg|xl] class to make dropdown menu scrollable. Responsive options are supported

Dropdown footer

You can also display custom container with content below the list of links. Use our utility classes to adjust the styling accordingly

Dropdown menu sizes
Optional menu sizes with submenu and elements
Large menu size

Use .dropdown-menu-lg class in .dropdown-menu container to increase font size and spacing of menu items

Default menu size

Menu items in default size are using global padding values to match sizes of other elements. This can be adjusted in CSS or SCSS

Small menu size

Use .dropdown-menu-sm class in .dropdown-menu container to make font size and spacing of menu items smaller

Dark dropdown menu
Dropdown menu in dark theme. Also supports custom background colors
Dark dropdown menu

Opt into darker dropdowns to match a dark navbar or custom style by adding .dropdown-menu-dark to the menu container

Disabled menu items

Add .disabled to menu items with .dropdown-item class in the dropdown to style them as disabled items

Active menu item

Add .active to menu items with .dropdown-item class in the dropdown to style them as active items

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