Elastic textarea
Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text. Visually it looks similar to container with contentEditable attribute, but retains default textarea functionality. The autosize function accepts a single textarea element, or an array or array-like object (such as a NodeList or jQuery collection) of textarea elements.
Basic example

Drop Autosize into any existing website and it should Just Work™. The source is short and well commented if you are curious to how it works.

Manual triggering Trigger autosize

When the value of a textarea has been changed through JavaScript, trigger the autosize.resize event immediately after to update the height.

The library supports autosize:resized event, which is fired every time autosize adjusts the textarea height. Check console log.

Destroy method Destroy autosize

Trigger the autosize.destroy event to remove autosize from a textarea element. Once destroy button clicked, autosize will be removed.

Masked inputs
Input mask (imask.min.js) is a simple lightweight JS library for masked inputs. The library consists of two independent layers: model and view. Model layer contains all masking facilities which can be used independently without UI. View layer is a glue between UI element and model, it connects listeners and controls changes in both directions. Input processing is based on a simple idea of comparing states before and after change. State before change is obtained on keydown and on input actual processing takes place.
'dd.mm.yyyy' in range [01.01.1990, 01.01.2020]
+{3}(000)000-00-00 / a00000
+{3}0 000 000 000
+{3}(000)000-00-00 OR any other input
Password generator
Passy is a simple and lightweight library that generates passwords. In configuration you can specify what characters the generated password will contain, minimum and maximum length and threshold values. Worth mentioning: Passy does not store, remember or share passwords. It just generates random values on client side.
Text feedback

Password checker is displayed as text form helper, which appears below the input field. You can easily change the appearance of text feedback in JS configuration.

Checker inside badge

Password checker is attached to the badge, which appears below the input field. Empty badge is hidden, if you add any text inside badge, it'll stay visible.

Label inside addon

In this example password checker appears as input group text addon. Can be left and/or right aligned, supports all input group styles. Styles can be adjusted in JS config.

No password
Label inside input

Rules are the same as for password checker inside badge, but this one has absolute position and placed inside form-group. Empty badge is also hidden.

Maxlength plugin integrates by default with Bootstrap using badges, text or any other customizable element to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses and extends the HTML5 attribute maxlength to work. The indicator shows up on focusing on the element, and disappears when the focus is lost. Try out demo configuration below.
Basic example

Basic example of maxlength plugin. The badge will show up right below the input by default when the remaining chars are 10 or less. This is a default value and position.

Label position

The field counter can be positioned at the top, bottom, left or right via placement option. You can also place the maxlength indicator on the corners: bottom-right, top-right, top-left, bottom-left and centered-right.

Full featured

This is a complete example where all the options configured for the bootstrap-maxlength counter are setted. Please note: if the alwaysShow option is enabled, the threshold option is ignored.

Change the threshold value

Do you want the badge to show up when there are 20 chars or less? Use the threshold option. In this example badge appears when the remaining chars are 15 or less.

Custom options

Example with custom options. All options can be mixed: here badge will show up after entering 10 characters, badge has different color and shows up after the limit is reached.

Textarea example

Bootstrap maxlength supports textarea as well as inputs. Even on old IE. Maxlength, attached to the textarea supports all available options and settings by default.

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