Pagination layouts
Bordered seamless, flat and spaced pagination styles
Bordered pagination

Basic example of default navigation style. All items have borders on all sides with negative margin on sides

Flat pagination

Remove borders and background color in default state by adding .pagination-flat to pagination container

Spaced pagination

Separate pagination items and add some spacing by adding .pagination-spaced to pagination container

Bordered rounded

Use .rounded-start-pill and .rounded-end-pill classes in the first and last .page-link to make them fully rounded

Flat rounded

Add .rounded-pill to all .page-link items to make buttons in flat pagination fully rounded. No extra classes required

Spaced rounded

Add .rounded-pill to all pagination buttons. Optionally use .px-0 in buttons with arrow to give them proportional size

Pagination styles
Examples of optional styles that can be created with our utility classes
Buttons with icon

Optional version with left and right pagination buttons, current page number, total pages and a link to the last page

Pagination toolbar

A simple toolbar with pagination, page and results counter. You can also use optional form controls to allow users to just to specific page

Showing 5 of 20 items 1 of 4
Custom pagination example

Custom modification of flat pagination, where active page is always centered and links to the first and last pages have smaller size

Simple pager

If you need to show a simple paging with 2 buttons only, use pagination component without .active class in .page-item container

Linked pager

Add .pagination-linked class to .pagination to give buttons a default link style with primary background in hover state

Dotted pagination

Pagination also support links without text. Use .wmin-0 to reset min link width, .rounded-pill to round links and .p-1 to give them the size

Borderless pagination

If you add .border-transparent and .mx-0 to all page links, pagination will be displayed without borders. Works with all pagination styles

With dropdown menu

Pagination items also support dropdown menu to display a list of page number ranges. Dropdown toggler can be used with text or icon

Buttons with icon

An example of a basic use of input fields in pagination, to allow users to manually enter page number. Also supports form selects

Pagination options
Sizing and alignment options
Bordered pagination

Pagination supports 2 additional sizes - small and large. To use, add .pagination-[lg|sm] class to the base .pagination container

Flat pagination

To use optional sizes in flat pagination, add .pagination-[lg|sm] class to the base .pagination.pagination-flat container

Separated pagination

To use optional sizes in spaced pagination, add .pagination-[lg|sm] class to the base .pagination.pagination-spaced container

Left alignment

Pagination is a flex container, which means you can use our flex utility classes to control alignment. By default pagination is aligned to the left

Center alignment

Use .justify-content-center utility class in .pagination container to center it horizontally. Works with all pagination styles and sizes

Right alignment

Use .justify-content-end utility class in .pagination container to align it to the right. Works with all pagination styles and sizes

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