Contextual text colors
Convey meaning through color with a handful of emphasis utility classes. These may also be applied to links and will darken on hover just like our default link styles. Contextual text classes also work well on anchors with the provided hover and focus states. Note that the .text-white and .text-muted class has no link styling. You can also easily set the background of an element to any contextual class.
Text Link Description
Muted text color Muted link color For muted inline text and text link color use .text-muted class added to the link or text container
Secondary text color Secondary link color For secondary inline text and text link color use .text-secondary class in text element and .link-secondary in anchor
Dark text color Dark link color For dark inline text and text link color use .text-dark class in text element and .link-dark in anchor
Default text color Default link color For default inline text and text link color use .text-body class in text element and .link-body in anchor
Primary text color Primary link color For primary inline text and text link color use .text-primary class in text element and .link-primary in anchor
Danger text color Danger link color For danger inline text and text link color use .text-danger class in text element and .link-danger in anchor
Success text color Success link color For success inline text and text link color use .text-success class in text element and .link-success in anchor
Warning text color Warning link color For warning inline text and text link color use .text-warning class in text element and .link-warning in anchor
Info text color Info link color For info inline text and text link color use .text-info class in text element and .link-info in anchor
Pink text color Pink link color For pink inline text and text link color use .text-pink class in text element and .link-pink in anchor
Purple text color Purple link color For purple inline text and text link color use .text-purple class in text element and .link-purple in anchor
Indigo text color Indigo link color For indigo inline text and text link color use .text-indigo class in text element and .link-indigo in anchor
Teal text color Teal link color For teal inline text and text link color use .text-teal class in text element and .link-teal in anchor
Yellow text color Yellow link color For yellow inline text and text link color use .text-yellow class in text element and .link-yellow in anchor
White text color White link color For white inline text and text link color use .text-white class in text element and .link-white in anchor
Text options
Limitless template supports the majority of all possible text styling options - weights, sizes, styles and additional elements such as marks, abbreviations, keyboard inputs, sample and variable inputs etc. All these stylings can be applied any section heading, form components, content and UI elements just by adding proper class to the element. Basic text styles are included to BS framework by default, Limitless includes more extended typography.
Example Description
This is a default link Default style for <a> element
This is a text color link To use a link with default text color link, add .text-body class
This is a contextual color link To use a link with contextual color link, add .link-danger or any other contextual class
This is a custom color link To use a link with custom color link, add .link-purple or any other text color class
Font weight
This is a lighter text For thin font weight use .fw-lighter class
This is a light text For light font weight use .fw-light class
This is a regular text For forced regular font weight use .fw-normal class
This is a semibold text For semibold font weight use .fw-semibold class
This is a bold text For bold font weight use .fw-bold class
This is a bolder text For black font weight use .fw-bolder class
Font style
This is an italic text For italic font style use em tag or .fst-italic class
This is an uppercase text For uppercase text transformation use .text-uppercase class
This is a lowercase text For lowercase text transformation use .text-lowercase class
This is a capitalized text For capitalize text transformation use .text-capitalize class
This is a deleted text For indicating blocks of text that have been deleted use the <del> tag
This is a strikethrough text For indicating blocks of text that are no longer relevant use the <s> tag
This is an underlined text To underline text use the <u> tag
This is a truncated text with an ellipsis For longer content, you can add a .text-truncate class to truncate the text with an ellipsis
Font size
This is a larger text size For larger text size use .fs-lg class
This is a default text size To reset any font size to default, use .fs-base class
This is a smaller text size For smaller text size use .fs-sm class
This is a mini text size For mini text size use .fs-xs class
Text elements
This is a highlighted text For text highlighting in another context, use the <mark> tag
This is a inserted text For indicating additions to the document use the <ins> tag
Basic abbreviation For expanded text on abbr hover, use the <abbr> element
Abbreviation with initialism Add .initialism to an abbreviation for a slightly smaller font-size
Press ctrl + , to edit Use the <kbd> to indicate input that is typically entered via keyboard
y = mx + b Use the <var> to indicate variables
This is a sample text Use the <samp> to indicate blocks sample output from a program
Inline code snippet Wrap inline snippets of code with <code>
This is a sub text Use <sub> tag to display subscripted text
This is a sup text Use <sup> tag to display superscripted text
Small text Use <small> tag to display smaller text
Text alignment
Left aligned text For left text alignment, use .text-start alignment class. You can also use viewport classes .text-[sm, md, lg, xl]-start for better alignment control
Centered text For centered text, use .text-center alignment class. You can also use viewport classes .text-[sm, md, lg, xl]-center for better alignment control
Right aligned text For right text alignment, use .text-end alignment class. You can also use viewport classes .text-[sm, md, lg, xl]-end for better alignment control
Word break Prevent long strings of text from breaking your components' layout by using .text-break class
No wrap text For no wrap text, use .text-nowrap alignment class
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