Textarea autosize



Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text. Use CSS to specify a min-height and max-height for the textarea element. Once the height exceeds the max-height, autosize will re-enable the vertical scrollbar.
The rows attribute can also be used to specify a minimum height. The rows attribute has a default value of 2, so to make the textarea smaller than that you'll need to set the value to 1. Example: <textarea rows='1'></textarea>.


The autosize function accepts a single textarea element, or an array or array-like object (such as a NodeList or jQuery collection) of textarea elements:

												// From a NodeList

												// from a single Node

												// from a jQuery collection

Life-cycle events

Event Description

Once you've assigned autosize to an element, you can manually trigger the resize event by using the 'autosize:update' event. Autosize has no way of knowing when a script has changed the value of a textarea element, or when the textarea element styles have changed, so this event would be used instruct autosize to resize the textarea

																// 'Update' event
																var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');


																ta.value = "Some new value";

																// Dispatch a 'autosize:update' event to trigger a resize:
																var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
																evt.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false);
																// 'Destroy' event
																var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');

																// assign autosize to ta

																// remove autosize from ta
																var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
																evt.initEvent('autosize:destroy', true, false);

This event is fired every time autosize adjusts the textarea height.

																	// 'Resized' event
																	var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');

																	ta.addEventListener('autosize:resized', function(){
																	    console.log('textarea height updated');

If you are using jQuery, you can use the on/off methods to listen to this event:

																	// 'Resized' event
																	}).on('autosize:resized', function(){
																	    console.log('textarea height updated');


These methods are provided as an alternative to using the life-cycle events

Method Description

For manually recalculating the height for a textarea element, array, or array-like object

																// 'Update' method
																var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');


																ta.value = "Some new value";


Removes autosize and reverts it's changes from a textarea element, array, or array-like object

																// 'Destroy' method

Plugin info

Property Description
File name autosize.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page

Dual listbox



Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive dependency-free dual listbox widget. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices. The dual listbox is created from a regular multiple select by calling new DualListbox(listboxBasicElement, options); on a selector. Although this component has no dependency, its styles are based on Bootstrap framework to match the global look and feel.


Load JavaScript library or include it in the bundle:

												<!-- CDN -->
												<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dual-listbox/dist/dual-listbox.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/duallistbox.min.js"></script>

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												let dualListbox = new DualListbox("select"); // Selects the first selectbox on the page.
												let dualListbox = new DualListbox(".select"); // Selects the first element with the class 'select'
												let dualListbox = new DualListbox("#select"); // Selects the first element with the id 'select'

												let select = document.querySelector("#select");
												let dualListbox = new DualListbox(select); // Add a HTMLElement

You can also pass some options to the DualListbox:

												let dualListbox = new DualListbox("#select", {
													addEvent: function (value) {
														// Should use the event listeners
													removeEvent: function (value) {
														// Should use the event listeners
													availableTitle: "Different title",
													selectedTitle: "Different title",
													addButtonText: ">",
													removeButtonText: "<",
													addAllButtonText: ">>",
													removeAllButtonText: "<<",

													sortable: true,
													upButtonText: "ᐱ",
													downButtonText: "ᐯ",

													draggable: true,

													options: [
														{ text: "Option 1", value: "OPTION1" },
														{ text: "Option 2", value: "OPTION2" },
														{ text: "Selected option", value: "OPTION3", selected: true },

												dualListbox.addEventListener("added", function (event) {
												dualListbox.addEventListener("removed", function (event) {


When calling $("#element").bootstrapDualListbox() you can pass a parameters object with zero or more of the following:

Option Default Excepted values Explanation
draggable true boolean If the list items should be draggable.
showSortButtons false boolean If the sort buttons should be shown. (up and down)
enableDoubleClick true boolean If double clicking a list items should change column.
showAddButton true boolean If the "add" button should be shown.
showRemoveButton true boolean If the "remove" button should be shown.
showAddAllButton true boolean If the "add all" button should be shown.
showRemoveAllButton true boolean If the "remove all" button should be shown.
availableTitle "Available options" string The title that should be shown above the "Available options"
selectedTitle "Selected options" string The title that should be shown above the "Selected options"
addButtonText "add" string The text that should be displayed in the "add" button.
removeButtonText "remove" string The text that should be displayed in the "remove" button.
addAllButtonText "add all" string The text that should be displayed in the "add all" button.
removeAllButtonText "remove all" string The text that should be displayed in the "remove all" button.
searchPlaceholder "Search" string The text that should be displayed in the "search" fields.
upButtonText "up" string The text that should be displayed in the "up" button. (only when sorting is enabled)
downButtonText "down" string The text that should be displayed in the "down" button. (only when sorting is enabled)
options undefined Array<{text:"text to display", value: "what the select value should be", selected: false, order: 1}> A list of options that should be added. This will overwrite the select options
sortFunction Function Function A function to overwrite the default sorting that will be applied.


You can modify the behavior and aspect of the dual listbox by calling its methods, all of which accept a value and a refresh option. The value determines the new parameter value, while refresh (optional, defaults to false) tells whether to update the plugin UI or not.

Note: when making multiple chained calls to the plugin, set refresh to true to the last call only, in order to make a unique UI change; alternatively, you can also call the refresh method as your last one.

To call methods on the dual listbox instance, use the following syntax:

											// Syntax
											$(selector).bootstrapDualListbox(methodName, parameter);

Here are the available methods:

Function name Arguments Explanation
changeOrder liItem, newPosition Change the order of the given list Element and the new position
addOptions options Add a single option to the options list.
addOption option, index (optional) Add a single option to the options list. Optionally add the index.
addEventListener eventName, callback Add an eventListener
changeSelected listItem Change the selected state of the list element.
actionAllSelected event (optional) Change all items to be selected.
actionAllDeselected event (optional) Change all items to not be selected.
redraw Redraw the lists.

Plugin info

Property Description
File name duallistbox.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page

Masked inputs



A very light-weight vanilla JavaScript library that helps format input text content automatically. An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be useful for dates, numerics, phone numbers. This library has no dependencies and works great on touch devices. Core features:


Load JavaScript file locally or from CDN:

												<!-- CDN -->
												<script src="https://unpkg.com/imask"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/plugins/forms/inputs/imask.min.js"></script>

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												// Initialize
												var element = document.getElementById('selector');
												var maskOptions = {
													mask: '+{7}(000)000-00-00'
												var mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);


IMask consists of two independent layers: model and view. Model layer contains all masking facilities which can be used independently without UI.

View layer is a glue between UI element and model, it connects listeners and controls changes in both directions.

Input processing is based on a simple idea of comparing states before and after change. State before change is obtained on keydown and on input actual processing takes place. In order to support older browsers manually call _saveSelection to save state and _onInput to handle changes. Pull requests for the beauty are welcomed.

Currently, view layer contains only one component InputMask which supports HTML input-like API. Instance of InputMask is returned when IMask constructor is called.

To create new mask on element use:

												var mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);

Get/set value and unmasked value:

												mask.value = "+7(999)999-99-99";
												console.log(mask.value);  // "+7(999)999-99-99"
												console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // "79999999999"

												mask.unmaskedValue = "70000000000";
												console.log(mask.value);  // "+7(000)000-00-00"
												console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // "70000000000"

For typed masks like Number or Date it is possible to work with typed values. For untyped masks typedValue and unmaskedValue works identically.

												mask.updateOptions({mask: Number});
												mask.typedValue = 100;  // use number
												console.log(mask.value);  // "100"
												console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // "100"
												console.log(mask.typedValue);  // 100

Update options:

													mask: Number,
													min: 0,
													max: 100
												});  // also updates UI

Clean and destroy:


Listen to events:

												// 'accept' event fired on input when mask value has changed
												function log () {console.log(mask.value)};
												mask.on("accept", log);

												// 'complete' event fired when the value is completely filled
												// Note: this makes sense only for Pattern-based masks
												mask.on("complete", function () {console.log(mask.value)});

Stop listening to events:

												mask.off("accept", log);

												// omit handler argument to unbind all handlers

Get Masked model:

												var masked = mask.masked;
												masked.reset(); // UI will NOT be updated

Plugin info

Property Description
File name formatter.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page

Bootstrap maxlength



This plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses the HTML5 attribute maxlength to work. The indicator badge shows up on focusing on the element, and disappears when the focus is lost.


First you need to load jQuery library as Bootstrap maxlength plugin is jQuery dependent. Then add a path to the plugin file:

												<!-- Load jQuery -->
												<script src="assets/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/plugins/forms/inputs/maxlength.min.js"></script>

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												// Initialize
													// options


Option Default Description
alwaysShow false If true the threshold will be ignored and the remaining length indication will be always showing up while typing or on focus on the input
threshold 10 This is a number indicating how many chars are left to start displaying the indications
warningClass badge badge-success It's the class of the element with the indicator. By default is the bootstrap badge badge-success but can be changed to anything you'd like
limitReachedClass badge badge-danger It's the class the element gets when the limit is reached
separator '/' Represents the separator between the number of typed chars and total number of available chars
preText '' String of text that can be outputted in front of the indicator
postText '' String outputted after the indicator
showMaxLength true If false, will display just the number of typed characters, e.g. will not display the max length
showCharsTyped true If false, will display just the remaining length, e.g. will display remaining lenght instead of number of typed characters
placement 'bottom' String, define where to output the counter. Possible values are: bottom, left, top, right, bottom-right, top-right, top-left, bottom-left and centered-right
appendToParent '' Appends the maxlength indicator badge to the parent of the input rather than to the body
message '' An alternative way to provide the message text, i.e. 'You have typed %charsTyped% chars, %charsRemaining% of %charsTotal% remaining'. %charsTyped%, %charsRemaining% and %charsTotal% will be replaced by the actual values. This overrides the options separator, preText, postText and showMaxLength. Alternatively you may supply a function that the current text and max length and returns the string to be displayed
utf8 false If true the input will count using utf8 bytesize/encoding. For example: the '£' character is counted as two characters
twoCharLinebreak '' Count linebreak as 2 characters to match IE/Chrome textarea validation
customMaxAttribute '' Allows a custom attribute to display indicator without triggering native maxlength behaviour. Ignored if value greater than a native maxlength attribute. 'overmax' class gets added when exceeded to allow user to implement form validation
placement this

String, object, or function, to define where to output the counter.

  • Possible string values are: bottom (default option), left, top, right, bottom-right, top-right, top-left, bottom-left and centered-right.
  • Custom placements can be passed as an object, with keys top, right, bottom, left, and position. These are passed to $.fn.css
  • A custom function may also be passed. This method is invoked with the {$element} Current Input, the {$element} MaxLength Indicator, and the Current Input's Position {bottom height left right top width}


Event Description
maxlength.reposition On an input element triggers re-placing of its indicator. Useful if textareas are resized by an external trigger
maxlength.shown Triggered when the indicator is displayed
maxlength.hidden Triggered when the indicator is removed from view

Plugin info

Property Description
File name maxlength.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page




You cant emphasize the importance of good passwords. Passy plugin was created to make it easier for developers to give good feedback on a password. Passy is a jQuery plugin to rate and generate passwords.


First you need to load jQuery library as Passy plugin is jQuery dependent. Then add a path to the plugin file:

												<!-- Load jQuery -->
												<script src="assets/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/passy.js"></script>

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												// Initialization example
												$('input').passy(function( strength, valid ) {

													// Set color based on validness and strength
													if(valid) {
														if( strength < $.passy.strength.HIGH) {
															color = 'orange';
														} else {
															color = 'green';
													} else {
														color = 'red';

													$(this).css('background-color', color);


Before calling .passy(), you can alter these settings:

											// Requirements a inserted password should meet
											$.passy.requirements = {

												// Character types a password should contain
												characters: [

												// A minimum and maximum length
												length: {
													min: 8,
													max: Infinity

											// Thresholds are numeric values representing
											// the estimated amount of days for a single computer
											// to brute force the password, assuming it processes
											// about 1,000,000 passwords per second

											$.passy.threshold = {
												medium: 365,
												high: Math.pow( 365, 2 ),
												extreme: Math.pow( 365, 5 )


Generate a password of a specific length:

												// 'Generate method'
												$('input').passy('generate', 16);

Check if a field’s content is valid:

												// 'Valid' method
												if (
												{ ... }

Plugin info

Property Description
File name passy.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page




autoComplete.js is a simple, pure vanilla Javascript library progressively designed for speed, high versatility, and seamless integration with a wide range of projects & systems

Main features:

  • Pure Vanilla Javascript
  • Zero Dependencies
  • Simple & Lightweight
  • Powerful Search Engine with two different modes
  • Diacritics Support
  • Debounce Support
  • Life Cycle Events
  • Useful plugin API
  • WAI-ARIA Compliant
  • Highly Customizable
  • Works on anything (<input>, <textarea> and contentEditable elements)
  • Well Documented


Load JavaScript file locally or from CDN:

												<!-- CDN -->
												<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tarekraafat-autocomplete.js/10.2.7/autoComplete.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Load library -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/autocomplete.min.js"></script>

Create element:

												<!-- Autocomplete element -->
												<input type="search" class="form-control" id="autocomplete_basic" autocomplete="new-search" placeholder="Search country">

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												const autocompleteBasic = new autoComplete({
													selector: "#autocomplete_basic",
													data: {
														src: autocompleteData
													resultItem: {
														highlight: true
													events: {
														input: {
															selection: function(event){
																const selection = event.detail.selection.value;
																autocompleteBasic.input.value = selection;

Autocomplete options

Option Default Description
name autoComplete Responsible for the global instance naming where all elements inherit their class & id names
selector #autoComplete Responsible for the input, textarea, or contentEditable element selection
wrapper true Responsible for rendering the div that wraps the input and the list element
data ... Responsible for the data source selection
data.source null Data source
data.keys null Data keys (required)
data.cache false Enables caching
data.filter No action Data filtering
trigger if input field NOT empty and greater than or equal threshold Responsible for Event & Condition rules that trigger autoComplete.js engine to start
query Returns raw input value Responsible for Query interception & manipulation
placeholder Blank/Empty Responsible for the input field placeholder value setting
threshold 1 Responsible for setting threshold value of the minimum characters length where autoComplete.js engine starts
debounce 0 Responsible for setting delay time duration that counts after typing is done for autoComplete.js engine to start
searchEngine "strict" Responsible for setting the Search engine Type/Mode or custom engine
diacritics false Responsible for turning on/off language diacritics supported search
resultsList ... Responsible for the results list element rendering, interception, and customizing
resultsList.tag ul List tag
resultsList.id autoComplete_list_[id] List id
resultsList.class null For overriding the default class names used
resultsList.destination #autoComplete Destination selector
resultsList.position afterend List position
resultsList.element function List element
resultsList.maxResults 5 Maximum number of results
resultsList.tabSelect false enable/disable tab selection
resultsList.noResults false enable/disable list resistance in case of no results
resultItem ... Responsible for the result item element rendering, interception, and customizing
resultItem.tag li List item tag
resultItem.id autoComplete_result_[index] List item ID
resultItem.class null List item class
resultItem.element Function List item element
resultItem.highlight false Enable/disable list item highlight
resultItem.selected null Selected class
submit false Responsible for the Enter button default behavior
events input / list Responsible for the input field and results list events additions or overriding

Autocomplete API

Runs init() core function which is responsible for the following tasks in order:
  1. Setting input field attributes & placeholder text (if set)
  2. Creating wrapper element and moving the selected input inside it
  3. Creating new empty hidden list
  4. Getting data if set to cache
  5. Attaching all event listeners on the events list
  6. Emitting init event
Runs start(query) core function which is responsible for the following tasks in order::
  1. Getting the input query value if NOT passed as an argument
  2. Manipulating query value
  3. Checking trigger condition validity to proceed
  4. Fetching data from src or store if cached
  5. Start matching results
  6. Rendering list if enabled
search(query, record, options)

autoComplete.js powerful search engine:

												autoCompleteJS.search(query, record, options);

												// Or

												autoComplete.search(query, record, options)

Opens resultsList if not empty


Navigates to the next resultItem on the list


Navigates to the previous resultItem on the list


Navigates to a specific resultItem on the list by its index number


Selects a resultItem from the list by its index number


Closes the resultsList if opened


Removes all the event listeners on the events list


Autocomplete events


Fires after autoComplete.js engine is initialized and ready

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("init", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the returned data values

Fires after fetching the data is completed and the data is ready

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("response", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the returned data values

Fires after the search operation is done and matching results are ready

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("results", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the matching results values

Fires after the results list is opened

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("open", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the autoComplete.js "feedback" object

Fires on every "resultsList" navigation interaction

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("navigate", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the autoComplete.js "feedback" object

Fires on result item selection

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("selection", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the autoComplete.js "feedback" object

Fires after "resultsList" is closed

												document.querySelector("#autoComplete").addEventListener("close", function (event) {
													// "event.detail" carries the autoComplete.js "feedback" object

Plugin info

Property Description
File name ausotomplete.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/inputs/

Official plugin website

Github project page

Form validation



This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation easy, whilst still offering plenty of customization options. It makes a good choice if you’re building something new from scratch, but also when you’re trying to integrate something into an existing application with lots of existing markup.

The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. All bundled methods come with default error messages in english and translations into 37 other languages


Include the following lines of code in the <head> section of your HTML:

												<!-- Load jQuery -->
												<script src="assets/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/plugins/forms/validation/validate.min.js"></script>

Select a form to validate and call the validate method:

												<!-- Create form -->
												<form class="validate" id="commentForm" method="get" action="">
														<legend>Please provide your name, email address (won't be published) and a comment</legend>
															<label for="cname">Name (required, at least 2 characters)</label>
															<input id="cname" name="name" minlength="2" type="text" required>

Finally call the plugin via JavaScript:

												// Basic initialization
													// options

Validate options

Name Default Description
debug false Enables debug mode. If true, the form is not submitted and certain errors are displayed on the console (will check if a window.console property exists). Try to enable when a form is just submitted instead of validation stopping the submit
submitHandler native form submit Callback for handling the actual submit when the form is valid. Gets the form as the only argument. Replaces the default submit. The right place to submit a form via Ajax after it is validated
invalidHandler {} Callback for custom code when an invalid form is submitted. Called with an event object as the first argument, and the validator as the second
ignore ":hidden" Elements to ignore when validating, simply filtering them out. jQuery's not-method is used, therefore everything that is accepted by not() can be passed as this option. Inputs of type submit and reset are always ignored, so are disabled elements
rules read from markup (classes, attributes, data) Key/value pairs defining custom rules. Key is the name of an element (or a group of checkboxes/radio buttons), value is an object consisting of rule/parameter pairs or a plain String. Can be combined with class/attribute/data rules. Each rule can be specified as having a depends-property to apply the rule only in certain conditions
messages Default message for the method used Key/value pairs defining custom messages. Key is the name of an element, value the message to display for that element. Instead of a plain message, another map with specific messages for each rule can be used. Overrides the title attribute of an element or the default message for the method (in that order). Each message can be a String or a Callback. The callback is called in the scope of the validator, with the rule's parameters as the first argument and the element as the second, and must return a String to display as the message
groups [] Specify grouping of error messages. A group consists of an arbitrary group name as the key and a space separated list of element names as the value. Use errorPlacement to control where the group message is placed
onsubmit true Validate the form on submit. Set to false to use only other events for validation. Set to a Function to decide for yourself when to run validation. A boolean true is not a valid value
onfocusout {} Validate elements (except checkboxes/radio buttons) on blur. If nothing is entered, all rules are skipped, except when the field was already marked as invalid. Set to a Function to decide for yourself when to run validation. A boolean true is not a valid value
onkeyup {} Validate elements on keyup. As long as the field is not marked as invalid, nothing happens. Otherwise, all rules are checked on each key up event. Set to false to disable. Set to a Function to decide for yourself when to run validation. A boolean true is not a valid value
onclick {} Validate checkboxes and radio buttons on click. Set to false to disable. Set to a Function to decide for yourself when to run validation. A boolean true is not a valid value
focusInvalid true Focus the last active or first invalid element on submit via validator.focusInvalid(). The last active element is the one that had focus when the form was submitted, avoiding stealing its focus. If there was no element focused, the first one in the form gets it, unless this option is turned off
focusCleanup false If enabled, removes the errorClass from the invalid elements and hides all error messages whenever the element is focused. Avoid combination with focusInvalid
errorClass 'error' Use this class to create error labels, to look for existing error labels and to add it to invalid elements
validClass 'valid' This class is added to an element after it was validated and considered valid
errorElement 'label' Use this element type to create error messages and to look for existing error messages. The default, "label", has the advantage of creating a meaningful link between error message and invalid field using the for attribute (which is always used, regardless of element type)
wrapper 'window' Wrap error labels with the specified element. Useful in combination with errorLabelContainer to create a list of error messages
errorLabelContainer - Hide and show this container when validating
errorContainer - Hide and show this container when validating
showErrors {} A custom message display handler. Gets the map of errors as the first argument and an array of errors as the second, called in the context of the validator object. The arguments contain only those elements currently validated, which can be a single element when doing validation onblur/keyup. You can trigger (in addition to your own messages) the default behaviour by calling this.defaultShowErrors()
errorPlacement After the invalid element Customize placement of created error labels. First argument: The created error label as a jQuery object. Second argument: The invalid element as a jQuery object
success - If specified, the error label is displayed to show a valid element. If a String is given, it is added as a class to the label. If a Function is given, it is called with the label (as a jQuery object) and the validated input (as a DOM element). The label can be used to add a text like "ok!"
highlight Adds errorClass to the element How to highlight invalid fields. Override to decide which fields and how to highlight
unhighlight Removes the errorClass Called to revert changes made by option highlight, same arguments as highlight
ignoreTitle false Set to skip reading messages from the title attribute, helps to avoid issues with Google Toolbar; default is false for compability, the message-from-title is likely to be completely removed in a future release

Plugin methods

This library adds three jQuery plugin methods, the main entry point being the validate method:

Method Description
validate() Validates the selected form
valid() Checks whether the selected form or selected elements are valid
rules() Read, add and remove rules for an element

Custom selectors

This library also extends jQuery with three custom selectors:

Method Description
:blank Selects all elements with a blank value
:filled Selects all elements with a filled value
:unchecked Selects all elements that are unchecked


The validate method returns a Validator object that has a few public methods that you can use to trigger validation programmatically or change the contents of the form. The validator object has more methods, but only those documented here are intended for usage.

Method Description
Validator.form() Validates the form
Validator.element() Validates a single element
Validator.resetForm() Resets the controlled form
Validator.showErrors() Show the specified messages
Validator.numberOfInvalids() Returns the number of invalid fields
jQuery.validator.addMethod() Add a custom validation method
jQuery.validator.format() Replaces {n} placeholders with arguments
jQuery.validator.setDefaults() Modify default settings for validation
jQuery.validator.addClassRules() Add a compound class method

Built-in Validation methods

A set of standard validation methods is provided:

Method Description
required Makes the element required
remote Requests a resource to check the element for validity
minlength Makes the element require a given minimum length
maxlength Makes the element require a given maxmimum length
rangelength Makes the element require a given value range
min Makes the element require a given minimum
max Makes the element require a given maximum
range Makes the element require a given value range
email Makes the element require a valid email
url Makes the element require a valid url
date Makes the element require a date
dateISO Makes the element require an ISO date
number Makes the element require a decimal number
digits Makes the element require digits only
creditcard Makes the element require a credit card number
equalTo Requires the element to be the same as another one

Some more methods are provided as add-ons, and are currently included in additional-methods.js in the download package. Not all of them are documented here:

Method Description
accept Makes a file upload accept only specified mime-types
extension Makes the element require a certain file extension
phoneUS Validate for valid US phone number
require_from_group Ensures a given number of fields in a group are complete

Plugin info

Property Description
File name validate.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/validation/

Official plugin website

Full documentation


Github project page




Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript. Tokens in OS X or Chips in Android - small UI elements which are inserted into various input fields that often combine with autocomplete functionality.

Tokens allow designers to display extra information about input. For example, in email applications when typing an email address of the recipient, input field could display full name of the owner of a given email and a his/her picture.

This Tokenfield implementation is written in raw JavaScript without any extra dependencies like jQuery. it has one somewhat opinionated behavior - Tokenfield intended use case is work with structured data. More specifically, it expects autocomplete data to be JSOn formatted array of objects where each object contains token ID and token Name


Load JavaScript file locally or from CDN:

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/forms/tags/tokenfield.min.js"></script>

Create an HTML element:

												<!-- Create element -->
												<input type="text" class="form-control tokenfield-basic" placeholder="Select car brand">

Finally call the plugin via JavaScript:

												// Basic initialization
												document.querySelectorAll('.tokenfield-basic').forEach(function(element) {
													const tfBasic = new Tokenfield({
														el: element,
														items: cars

Plugin options

Options for individual tokenfields can alternatively be specified through the use of data attributes, as explained below:

Name Type Default Description
el string or DOM node null DOM element or string with selector pointing at an element you want to turn into tokenfield.
form bool, string or DOM node true Listens to reset event on the specified form. If set to true listens to immediate parent form.
items array [] Array of objects amongst which autocomplete will try to find a match. Default format might look like this: [{id: 1, name: 'foo'}, {id: 2, name: 'bar'}]
setItems array [] Array of objects which would be displayed as selected after Tokenfield has been created.
newItems bool true Option to allow user to add custom tokens instead of using preset list of tokens or tokens retrieved from the server.
multiple bool true Option to allow multiple tokens in the field.
maxItems integer 0 Option to limit number of items. Set to 0 to remove the limit.
matchRegex string '{value}' Regex string that would be used for matching - when regex is compiled {value} would be replaced with escaped user input.
matchFlags string 'i' Regex flags used in matching. Default is i - case insensitive matching.
matchStart bool false Option to do matching only from the beginning of the string - it compiles match regex to basicall this format: /^{value}/i.
matchEnd bool false Option to do matching only from the end of the string - it compiles match regex to basicall this format: /{value}$/i.
remote object Details on that - below in Autocomplete section.
addItemOnBlur bool false If set to true, will add new item to the tokenfield on input blur. Either sets new item or first match from suggested list.
delimiters array [] Option to specify certain characters/sets of characters to be used as delimiters during tokenization or input events on tokenfield.
addItemsOnPaste bool false If set to true, will add new item to the tokenfield on paste. Tokenization happens using delimiters options listed above.
placeholder null or string null Set a placeholder that will be shown in the input. If set to null, will try to use placeholder attribute from the original element set in el
inputType string 'text' Specifies HTML type attribute for the input element.
minChars integer 2 Specifies how many characters user has to input before autocomplete suggester is shown.
maxSuggest integer 10 Specifies how many suggestions should be shown.
filterSetItems bool true Specifies whether already set items should not be shown in suggested list.
filterMatchCase bool false Used to match set items and new item by case-sensitivity. By default is set to false and does not take case of item value into the account.
itemLabel string 'name' Property of an item object which is used to display text in tokens.
itemName string 'items' Each token item will have its own hidden input which will contain an ID of a given item and a name attribute in an array format. This option sets a name. By default it is set to "items" which means that when user will submit a form server would receive an array of IDs under the name "items".
newItemName string 'items_new' Same as the above except it is only related to new items which were not added via autocomplete.
itemValue string 'id' Specifies which property from the autocomplete data to use as a primary identifying value.
itemData string 'name' Which property should be used when you do autocomplete on a given array of items.
validateNewItem closure null If set, closure will run on every attempt to add new non-existing item to validate it. Return true to allow an item, return any falsy value and it will prevent new item from being added.

Remote options

Below you will find list of options which are related to remote autocomplete requests. Options are set as properties of an object assigned to remote property of the parent options object:

												new Tokenfield({
													remote: {
														url: "http://example.com",
Name Type Default Description
type string 'GET' Sets AJAX request type. Usually GET or POST
url string null Specifies which URL will be used to retrieve autocomplete data. If set to null - remote autocomplete won't be performed.
queryParam string 'q' Sets name of the parameter which would contain value that user typed in the input field.
delay integer 300 Sets delay in milliseconds after which remote request is performed.
timestampParam string 't' Sets parameter for the timestamp when remote call was requested.
params object {} Sets any additional AJAX params
headers object {} Sets AJAX headers. Could be simple key:value items, or key:function items if you want to add headers dynamically


Tokenfield uses standard node.js EventEmitter and therefore supports such event as: 'on', 'once', 'removeAllListeners', 'removeListener'. Available events are:
Event Type Description
change Fired after any change in tokens list - after adding or removing tokens, setting multiple tokens manually etc.
showSuggestions Fired before Tokenfield would show suggestions box.
shownSuggestions Fired after Tokenfield has shown suggestions box.
hideSuggestions Fired before Tokenfield would hide suggestions box.
hiddenSuggestions Fired after Tokenfield has hidden suggestions box.
addToken Fired before token has been added to the tokenfield. Second argument contains token data.
addedToken Fired after token has been added to internal token list.
removeToken Fired before token has been removed from the tokenfield. Second argument contains token data.
removedToken Fired after token has been removed from the tokenfield. Second argument contains removed token data.


Tokenfield has several overridable methods which allow user to remap given token data or change how some elements are rendered. Available methods are:
Method name Description
remapData Fired on every data request. Override it if you want to change structure of an available data - change props names, sanitize property values, remove props. Just make sure to return array of objects which would be consumed by the tokenfield instance.
renderSetItemLabel Fired on token item render. Override this method in order to change how label for each token is rendered
onInput Fired when you type something in the input field. Accepts value of the input field and event object.
showSuggestions Shows list of suggested items if there are any.
hideSuggestions Temporarily hides list of suggested items.
getItems Returns an array containing objects for currently set tokens.
setItems Override current set tokens with your own array of tokens. Input could be array or a single object and must conform to the format described at the beginning of the readme.
addItems Add tokens. Input could be an array or a single object. Object or array of objects must conform to the correct format described at the beinning of readme.
sortItems Updates internal state of the set tokens based on the HTML state of the tokens - useful when you apply a "sortable" or "draggable" library on tokenfield items.
removeItem(value) Remove an item based on the given input. Input could be an item object, item name for new item or item id for existing item.
emptyItems Remove all currently set token items.
getSuggestedItems Returns an array of suggested items.
focus Focus the tokenfield.
blur Remove focus from the tokenfield.
remove Destroy tokenfield and display original element it was attached to.

Plugin info

Property Description
File name tokenfield.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/forms/tags/

Official plugin website

Github project page