Ace code editor



Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript. It matches the features and performance of native editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate. It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application. Ace is maintained as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and is the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) project. Main features:

  • Syntax highlighting for over 110 languages (TextMate/Sublime Text.tmlanguage files can be imported)
  • Over 20 themes (TextMate/Sublime Text .tmtheme files can be imported)
  • Automatic indent and outdent
  • An optional command line
  • Handles huge documents (four million lines seems to be the limit!)
  • Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes
  • Search and replace with regular expressions
  • Highlight matching parentheses
  • Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs
  • Displays hidden characters
  • Drag and drop text using the mouse
  • Line wrapping
  • Code folding
  • Multiple cursors and selections
  • Live syntax checker (currently JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery)
  • Cut, copy, and paste functionality


Ace can be easily embedded into any existing web page. You can either use one of pre-packaged versions of ace (just copy one of src* subdirectories somewhere into your project), or use requireJS to load contents of lib/ace as ace. By default the editor only supports plain text mode; many other languages are available as separate modules.

Basic markup is:

												<!-- Basic markup-->
												<div id="html_editor">

													<!-- Default card -->
													<div class="card">
														<div class="card-header d-md-flex">
															<h5 class="mb-0">
																Card title
																<span class="fw-semibold">Default</span>
																<small>Full featured toolbar</small>

														<div class="card-body">
															Card body
													<!-- /default card -->


Initialize via JavaScript:

												// HTML editor
												var html_editor = ace.edit("html_editor");

Plugin info

Property Description
File name ace.js, [modes, extensions, themes]
Location global_assets/js/plugins/editors/ace/

Official plugin website

Github project page




The rich text editor for every use case. CKEditor 5 allows users to create any type of content in your application, be it documents, reports, emails, notes or chat messages.

CKEditor 5 provides every type of WYSIWYG editing solution imaginable. From editors similar to Google Docs and Medium, to Slack or Twitter-like applications, all is possible within a single editing framework.

The editor comes with a well-designed UI and perfect UX, so users can easily manage media and tables as well as use advanced features, such as auto-formatting, mentions, Paste from Word or Markdown support.Core features are:

  • Track Changes
  • Comments
  • Revision History
  • Real-time Collaboration
  • Export to PDF and Word
  • Spell and grammar check
  • Pagination
  • Math equations


Load JavaScript file locally or from CDN:

												<!-- CDN -->
												<script src=""></script>

												<!-- Load locally -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor_classic.js"></script>

Create textarea or div element:

												<!-- Target element -->
												<textarea class="form-control" id="ckeditor_classic_prefilled">...</textarea>

Finally, run this script after the DOM is ready:

												// Editor with prefilled text
												ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#ckeditor_classic_prefilled'), {
												heading: {
													options: [
														{ model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph', class: 'ck-heading_paragraph' },
														{ model: 'heading1', view: 'h1', title: 'Heading 1', class: 'ck-heading_heading1' },
														{ model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2', class: 'ck-heading_heading2' },
														{ model: 'heading3', view: 'h3', title: 'Heading 3', class: 'ck-heading_heading3' },
														{ model: 'heading4', view: 'h4', title: 'Heading 4', class: 'ck-heading_heading4' },
														{ model: 'heading5', view: 'h5', title: 'Heading 5', class: 'ck-heading_heading5' },
														{ model: 'heading6', view: 'h6', title: 'Heading 6', class: 'ck-heading_heading6' }
												}).catch(error => {


CKEditor library has a very extensive documentation with lots of different examples, API reference, configuration parameters, migration guide and other services. Please refer to official CKEditor documentation for more information.

Plugin info

Property Description
File name summernote.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/editors/ckeditor/

Official plugin website

Full documentation

Github project page

Quill editor



Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With its modular architecture and expressive API, it is completely customizable to fit any need. There are many solutions to choose from, but Quill brings a few modern ideas to consider:

  • API Driven Design
  • Custom Content and Formatting
  • Cross Platform
  • Easy to Use
If your application never demands it, you never have to customize Quill—just enjoy the rich and consistent experience that comes out of the box.


Load JavaScript file locally or from CDN:

												<!-- CDN -->
												<script src="//"></script>

												<!-- Load plugin -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/quill/quill.min.js"></script>

Then initialize via JavaScript:

												// Initialize
												const quillFull = new Quill('.quill-full', {
													modules: {
														toolbar: [
															[{ 'font': [] }],
															[{ 'size': ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }],
															[{ 'header': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }],
															['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
															['blockquote', 'code-block'],
															[{ 'header': 1 }, { 'header': 2 }],
															[{ 'list': 'ordered'}, { 'list': 'bullet' }],
															[{ 'script': 'sub'}, { 'script': 'super' }],
															[{ 'indent': '-1'}, { 'indent': '+1' }],
															[{ 'direction': 'rtl' }],
															[{ 'color': [] }, { 'background': [] }],
															[{ 'align': [] }],
															[ 'formula', 'image', 'video' ],
													bounds: '.content-inner',
													placeholder: 'Please add your text here...',
													theme: 'snow'


Quill allows several ways to customize it to suit your needs. This section is dedicated to tweaking existing functionality

Quill requires a container where the editor will be appended. You can pass in either a CSS selector or a DOM object.
												// Option 1
												var editor = new Quill('.editor');  // First matching element will be used

												// Option 2
												var container = document.getElementById('editor');
												var editor = new Quill(container);

												// Option 3
												var container = $('.editor').get(0);
												var editor = new Quill(container);
To configure Quill, pass in an options object:
												var options = {
													debug: 'info',
													modules: {
														toolbar: '#toolbar'
													placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
													readOnly: true,
													theme: 'snow'
												var editor = new Quill('#editor', options);

Default: document.body

DOM Element or a CSS selector for a DOM Element, within which the editor’s ui elements (i.e. tooltips, etc.) should be confined. Currently, it only considers left and right boundaries.

Default: yarn

Shortcut for debug. Note debug is a static method and will affect other instances of Quill editors on the page. Only warning and error messages are enabled by default.

Default: All formats

Whitelist of formats to allow in the editor

Default: null

Collection of modules to include and respective options

Default: none

Placeholder text to show when editor is empty.

Default: false

Whether to instantiate the editor to read-only mode.

Default: null

DOM Element or a CSS selector for a DOM Element, specifying which container has the scrollbars (i.e. overflow-y: auto), if is has been changed from the default ql-editor with custom CSS. Necessary to fix scroll jumping bugs when Quill is set to auto grow its height, and another ancestor container is responsible from the scrolling.

Default: snow

Name of theme to use. The builtin options are “bubble” or “snow”. An invalid or falsy value will load a default minimal theme. Note the theme’s specific stylesheet still needs to be included manually


Deletes text from the editor, returning a Delta representing the change. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Methods
												deleteText(index: Number, length: Number, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Example
												quill.deleteText(6, 4);
Retrieves contents of the editor, with formatting data, represented by a Delta object
												// Methods
												getContents(index: Number = 0, length: Number = remaining): Delta

												// Example
												var delta = quill.getContents();
Retrieves the length of the editor contents. Note even when Quill is empty, there is still a blank line represented by ‘\n’, so getLength will return 1.
												// Methods
												getLength(): Number

												// Example
												var length = quill.getLength();
Retrieves the string contents of the editor. Non-string content are omitted, so the returned string’s length may be shorter than the editor’s as returned by getLength. Note even when Quill is empty, there is still a blank line in the editor, so in these cases getText will return ‘\n’. The length parameter defaults to the length of the remaining document.
												// Methods
												getText(index: Number = 0, length: Number = remaining): String

												// Example
												var text = quill.getText(0, 10);
Insert embedded content into the editor, returning a Delta representing the change. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Methods
												insertEmbed(index: Number, type: String, value: any, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Example
												quill.insertEmbed(10, 'image', '');
Inserts text into the editor, optionally with a specified format or multiple formats. Returns a Delta representing the change. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Methods
												insertText(index: Number, text: String, source: String = 'api'): Delta
												insertText(index: Number, text: String, format: String, value: any,
															source: String = 'api'): Delta
												insertText(index: Number, text: String, formats: { [String]: any },
															source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Examples
												quill.insertText(0, 'Hello', 'bold', true);

												quill.insertText(5, 'Quill', {
													'color': '#ffff00',
													'italic': true
Overwrites editor with given contents. Contents should end with a newline. Returns a Delta representing the change. This will be the same as the Delta passed in, if given Delta had no invalid operations. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												setContents(delta: Delta, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Example
													{ insert: 'Hello ' },
													{ insert: 'World!', attributes: { bold: true } },
													{ insert: '\n' }
Sets contents of editor with given text, returing a Delta representing the change. Note Quill documents must end with a newline so one will be added for you if omitted. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												setText(text: String, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Example
Applies Delta to editor contents, returing a Delta representing the change. These Deltas will be the same if the Delta passed in had no invalid operations. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												updateContents(delta: Delta, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Example
												// Assuming editor currently contains [{ insert: 'Hello World!' }]
												quill.updateContents(new Delta()
													.retain(6)                  // Keep 'Hello '
													.delete(5)                  // 'World' is deleted
													.retain(1, { bold: true })  // Apply bold to exclamation mark
												// Editor should now be [
												//	{ insert: 'Hello Quill' },
												//	{ insert: '!', attributes: { bold: true} }
												// ]
Format text at user’s current selection, returning a Delta representing the change. If the user’s selection length is 0, i.e. it is a cursor, the format will be set active, so the next character the user types will have that formatting. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												format(name: String, value: any, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Examples
												quill.format('color', 'red');
												quill.format('align', 'right');
Formats all lines in given range, returning a Delta representing the change. See formats for a list of available formats. Has no effect when called with inline formats. To remove formatting, pass false for the value argument. The user’s selection may not be preserved. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Methods
												formatLine(index: Number, length: Number, source: String = 'api'): Delta
												formatLine(index: Number, length: Number, format: String, value: any,
															source: String = 'api'): Delta
												formatLine(index: Number, length: Number, formats: { [String]: any },
															source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Examples

												quill.formatLine(1, 2, 'align', 'right');   // right aligns the first line
												quill.formatLine(4, 4, 'align', 'center');  // center aligns both lines
Formats text in the editor, returning a Delta representing the change. For line level formats, such as text alignment, target the newline character or use the formatLine helper. See formats for a list of available formats. To remove formatting, pass false for the value argument. The user’s selection may not be preserved. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												formatText(index: Number, length: Number, source: String = 'api'): Delta
												formatText(index: Number, length: Number, format: String, value: any,
															source: String = 'api'): Delta
												formatText(index: Number, length: Number, formats: { [String]: any },
															source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Examples

												quill.formatText(0, 5, 'bold', true);      // bolds 'hello'

												quill.formatText(0, 5, {                   // unbolds 'hello' and set its color to blue
												  'bold': false,
												  'color': 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'

												quill.formatText(5, 1, 'align', 'right');  // right aligns the 'hello' line
Retrieves common formatting of the text in the given range. For a format to be reported, all text within the range must have a truthy value. If there are different truthy values, an array with all truthy values will be reported. If no range is supplied, the user’s current selection range is used. May be used to show which formats have been set on the cursor. If called with no arguments, the user’s current selection range will be used.
												// Method
												getFormat(range: Range = current): { [String]: any }
												getFormat(index: Number, length: Number = 0): { [String]: any }

												// Examples
												quill.setText('Hello World!');
												quill.formatText(0, 2, 'bold', true);
												quill.formatText(1, 2, 'italic', true);
												quill.getFormat(0, 2);   // { bold: true }
												quill.getFormat(1, 1);   // { bold: true, italic: true }

												quill.formatText(0, 2, 'color', 'red');
												quill.formatText(2, 1, 'color', 'blue');
												quill.getFormat(0, 3);   // { color: ['red', 'blue'] }

												quill.getFormat();       // { italic: true, color: 'blue' }

												quill.format('strike', true);
												quill.getFormat();       // { italic: true, color: 'blue', strike: true }

												quill.formatLine(0, 1, 'align', 'right');
												quill.getFormat();       // { italic: true, color: 'blue', strike: true, align: 'right' }
Removes all formatting and embeds within given range, returning a Delta representing the change. Line formatting will be removed if any part of the line is included in the range. The user’s selection may not be preserved. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent". Calls where the source is "user" when the editor is disabled are ignored.
												// Method
												removeFormat(index: Number, length: Number, source: String = 'api'): Delta

												// Examples
													{ insert: 'Hello', { bold: true } },
													{ insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } },
													{ insert: { formula: 'x^2' } },
													{ insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } },
													{ insert: 'World', { italic: true }},
													{ insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } }

												quill.removeFormat(3, 7);
												// Editor contents are now
												// [
												//   { insert: 'Hel', { bold: true } },
												//   { insert: 'lo\n\nWo' },
												//   { insert: 'rld', { italic: true }},
												//   { insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } }
												// ]
Retrieves the pixel position (relative to the editor container) and dimensions of a selection at a given location. The user’s current selection need not be at that index. Useful for calculating where to place tooltips.
												// Method
												getBounds(index: Number, length: Number = 0): { left: Number, top: Number, height: Number, width: Number }

												// Examples
												quill.getBounds(7);  // Returns { height: 15, width: 0, left: 27, top: 31 }
Retrieves the user’s selection range, optionally to focus the editor first. Otherwise null may be returned if editor does not have focus.
												// Method
												getSelection(focus = false): { index: Number, length: Number }

												// Examples
												var range = quill.getSelection();
												if (range) {
													if (range.length == 0) {
														console.log('User cursor is at index', range.index);
													} else {
														var text = quill.getText(range.index, range.length);
														console.log('User has highlighted: ', text);
												} else {
													console.log('User cursor is not in editor');
Sets user selection to given range, which will also focus the editor. Providing null as the selection range will blur the editor. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent".
												// Method
												setSelection(index: Number, length: Number = 0, source: String = 'api')
												setSelection(range: { index: Number, length: Number }, source: String = 'api')

												// Examples
												quill.setSelection(0, 5);
Removes focus from the editor.
												// Method

												// Examples
Set ability for user to edit, via input devices like the mouse or keyboard. Does not affect capabilities of API calls, when the source is "api" or “silent”.
												// Method
												enable(enabled: boolean = true)

												// Examples
												quill.enable(false);   // Disables user input
Focuses the editor and restores its last range.
												// Method

												// Examples
Checks if editor has focus. Note focus on toolbar, tooltips, does not count as the editor.
												// Method
												hasFocus(): Boolean

												// Examples
Synchronously check editor for user updates and fires events, if changes have occurred. Useful for collaborative use cases during conflict resolution requiring the latest up to date state. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent".
												// Method
												update(source: String = 'user')

												// Examples
Static method enabling logging messages at a given level: 'error', 'warn', 'log', or 'info'. Passing true is equivalent to passing 'log'. Passing false disables all messages.
												// Method
												Quill.debug(level: String | Boolean)

												// Examples
Static method returning Quill library, format, module, or theme. In general the path should map exactly to Quill source code directory structure. Unless stated otherwise, modification of returned entities may break required Quill functionality and is strongly discouraged.
												// Method
												Quill.import(path): any

												// Examples
												var Parchment = Quill.import('parchment');
												var Delta = Quill.import('delta');

												var Toolbar = Quill.import('modules/toolbar');
												var Link = Quill.import('formats/link');
Registers a module, theme, or format(s), making them available to be added to an editor. Can later be retrieved with Quill.import. Use the path prefix of 'formats/', 'modules/', or 'themes/' for registering formats, modules or themes, respectively. For formats specifically there is a shorthand to just pass in the format directly and the path will be autogenerated. Will overwrite existing definitions with the same path.
												// Method
												Quill.register(format: Attributor | BlotDefinintion, supressWarning: Boolean = false)
												Quill.register(path: String, def: any, supressWarning: Boolean = false)
												Quill.register(defs: { [String]: any }, supressWarning: Boolean = false)

												// Examples
												  'formats/custom-format': CustomFormat,
												  'modules/custom-module-a': CustomModuleA,
												  'modules/custom-module-b': CustomModuleB,

Adds and returns a container element inside the Quill container, sibling to the editor itself. By convention, Quill modules should have a class name prefixed with ql-. Optionally include a refNode where container should be inserted before.
												// Method
												addContainer(className: String, refNode?: Node): Element
												addContainer(domNode: Node, refNode?: Node): Element

												// Examples
												var container = quill.addContainer('ql-custom');
Retrieves a module that has been added to the editor.
												// Method
												getModule(name: String): any

												// Examples
												var toolbar = quill.getModule('toolbar');

Emitted when the contents of Quill have changed. Details of the change, representation of the editor contents before the change, along with the source of the change are provided. The source will be "user" if it originates from the users. For example:

  • User types into the editor
  • User formats text using the toolbar
  • User uses a hotkey to undo
  • User uses OS spelling correction

Changes may occur through an API but as long as they originate from the user, the provided source should still be "user". For example, when a user clicks on the toolbar, technically the toolbar module calls a Quill API to effect the change. But source is still "user" since the origin of the change was the user’s click.

APIs causing text to change may also be called with a "silent" source, in which case text-change will not be emitted. This is not recommended as it will likely break the undo stack and other functions that rely on a full record of text changes.

Changes to text may cause changes to the selection (ex. typing advances the cursor), however during the text-change handler, the selection is not yet updated, and native browser behavior may place it in an inconsistent state. Use selection-change or editor-change for reliable selection updates.
												// Callback signature
												handler(delta: Delta, oldContents: Delta, source: String)

												// Examples
												quill.on('text-change', function(delta, oldDelta, source) {
													if (source == 'api') {
														console.log("An API call triggered this change.");
													} else if (source == 'user') {
														console.log("A user action triggered this change.");

Emitted when a user or API causes the selection to change, with a range representing the selection boundaries. A null range indicates selection loss (usually caused by loss of focus from the editor). You can also use this event as a focus change event by just checking if the emitted range is null or not.

APIs causing the selection to change may also be called with a "silent" source, in which case selection-change will not be emitted. This is useful if selection-change is a side effect. For example, typing causes the selection to change but would be very noisy to also emit a selection-change event on every character.
												// Callback signature
												handler(range: { index: Number, length: Number }, oldRange: { index: Number, length: Number }, source: String)

												// Examples
												quill.on('selection-change', function(range, oldRange, source) {
													if (range) {
														if (range.length == 0) {
															console.log('User cursor is on', range.index);
														} else {
															var text = quill.getText(range.index, range.length);
															console.log('User has highlighted', text);
													} else {
														console.log('Cursor not in the editor');
Emitted when either text-change or selection-change would be emitted, even when the source is "silent". The first parameter is the event name, either text-change or selection-change, followed by the arguments normally passed to those respective handlers.
												// Callback signature
												handler(name: String, ...args)

												// Examples
												quill.on('editor-change', function(eventName, ...args) {
													if (eventName === 'text-change') {
														// args[0] will be delta
													} else if (eventName === 'selection-change') {
														// args[0] will be old range
Adds event handler. See text-change or selection-change for more details on the events themselves.
												// Callback signature
												on(name: String, handler: Function): Quill

												// Examples
												quill.on('text-change', function() {
													console.log('Text change!');
Adds handler for one emission of an event. See text-change or selection-change for more details on the events themselves.
												// Callback signature
												once(name: String, handler: Function): Quill

												// Examples
												quill.once('text-change', function() {
													console.log('First text change!');
Removes event handler.
												// Callback signature
												off(name: String, handler: Function): Quill

												// Examples
												function handler() {

												quill.on('text-change', handler);
		'text-change', handler);

Plugin info

Property Description
File name quill.min.js
Location assets/js/vendor/editors/quill/

Official plugin website

Github project page




Trumbowyg is a lightweight WYSIWYG editor optimized for HTML5 support. Options and design are entirely configurable to suit your needs. However, the default design is compatible with Retina display and optimized for a great and simple user experience. Editor can be extended with additional plugins, supports 30+ languages and custom packages. Trumbowyg is an MIT-licensed open source project and completely free to use.


Installation is fairly simple - just load trumbowyg.min.js after jquery.min.js (minimum required version 1.8), make sure $enable-trumbowyg variable in _config.scss is set to true and initialize plugin in JS:

If you don't already do it, load jQuery at bottom of <body> or in <head> and load Trumbowyg after it. In addition, load necessary plugins:

												<!-- Include jQuery -->
												<script src="assets/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Include editor -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.min.js"></script>

												<!-- Plugins -->
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/base64/trumbowyg.base64.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/cleanpaste/trumbowyg.cleanpaste.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/colors/trumbowyg.colors.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/insertaudio/trumbowyg.insertaudio.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/noembed/trumbowyg.noembed.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/preformatted/trumbowyg.preformatted.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/template/trumbowyg.template.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/upload/trumbowyg.upload.js"></script>
												<script src="assets/js/vendor/editors/trumbowyg/plugins/pasteimage/trumbowyg.pasteimage.js"></script>

This the minimal code to transform a simple div into the amazing WYSIWYG editor which is Trumbowyg. Or if you want to set options to Trumbowyg, add an object which contains your options as parameters:

												// Initialize default editor

												// Initialize with options
												    btns: ['strong', 'em', '|', 'insertImage'],
												    autogrow: true


Following is a list of all configuration parameters with their corresponding default values:

default: 'trumbowyg'

You can change prefix of all class added on elements of Trumbowyg using this option:

												// Initialize
												    prefix: 'custom-prefix'
default: null

Your users don't speak english? No problem, Trumbowyg has a language parameter. You have to load the appropriate lang file. Search in /dist/langs folder to see if a language file already exists, if not create it and share it :). Don't forget include the lang file in your pages:

												<!-- Include lang file -->
												<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dist/langs/fr.min.js"></script>
Make sure to include lang file after Trumbowyg and before instantiating the editor!

Usage of language parameter (English is a fallback lang):

												// Initialize
												    lang: 'fr'
Button pane
default: all buttons

It's probably the most interesting option, it allows you to choose the buttons that appears in the button pane. This option is an array containing string values representing the buttons or vertical separators (using the pipe character). To create your own custom button pane, define an array and pass it to the btns option:

												// Custom button set
												    btns: [['bold', 'italic'], ['link']]

												// Default button set
												    btns: [
												        ['undo', 'redo'], // Only supported in Blink browsers
												        ['strong', 'em', 'del'],
												        ['superscript', 'subscript'],
												        ['justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull'],
												        ['unorderedList', 'orderedList'],
Hide button texts
default: false

You can hide button texts showed when you put svgPath to false

												// Globally
												$.trumbowyg.hideButtonTexts = true

												// Or locally
												    hideButtonTexts: true
default: true

Generates a better, more semantic oriented HTML (i.e. <em> instead of <i>, <strong> instead of <b>, etc.). It's just a boolean. This option deactivates the underline button by default because they do not convey any real semantic. If you want to reactivate them, you have to do it explicitly :

												// Initialize
												    semantic: false
Reset CSS
default: false

If you don't want the page style to impact on the look of the text in the editor, you will need to apply a reset-css on the editor. You can activate this with the resetCss option:

												// Initialize
												    resetCss: true
Remove format pasted
default: false

If you don't want styles pasted from clipboard (from Word or other webpage for example), pass the removeformatPasted option to true. In order to use this option, you need to define a font size in your CSS or use a reset like normalize.

												// Initialize
												    removeformatPasted: true
Auto grow
default: false

The text editing zone can extend itself when writing a long text. To activate this feature, use the autogrow option::

												// Initialize
												    autogrow: true
Auto grow on enter
default: false

The text editing zone can extend itself when editor get focus and reduce on blur. To activate this feature, use the following option:

												// Initialize
												    autogrowOnEnter: true
Image width modal edit
default: false

Add a field in image insert/edit modal which allow users to set the image width. To activate this feature, use the following option:

												// Initialize
													imageWidthModalEdit: true
URL protocol
default: false

An option to auto-prefix URLs with a protocol. When this option is set to true, URLs missing a protocol will be prefixed with https://. Alternatively, a string can be provided for a custom prefix. For example, a value of true would convert to, while a value of ftp converts to

												// Initialize
												    urlProtocol: true
Minimal links
default: false

Reduce the link overlay to use only url and text fields, omitting title and target.

												// Initialize
												    minimalLinks: true

Modal box API

When you want create your custom extension for Trumbowyg, you can open and close a modal box with custom inner HTML code, listen events and more:

Open and close

For that use the .trumbowyg() method and give parameters 'openModal' or 'closeModal' like that:

												// Open modal box
												var $modal = $('#editor').trumbowyg('openModal', {
												    title: 'A title for modal box',
												    content: '<p>Content in HTML which you want include in created modal box</p>'

												// Close current modal box
An openModal call returns a jQuery object which contains the modal box. You need this object if you want to use listen events (see below)
Events on modal box
Modal boxes in Trumbowy come with two buttons: "Confirm" and "Cancel". An event is associated to each one:
  • tbwsubmit: trigged when form is submit
  • tbwreset: trigged when user cancel operation
												// Open modal
												var $modal = $('#editor').trumbowyg('openModal', {
												    title: 'A title for modal box',
												    content: '<p>Content in HTML which you want include in created modal box</p>'

												// Listen clicks on modal box buttons
												$modal.on('tbwconfirm', function(e){
												    // Save datas
												$modal.on('tbwcancel', function(e){
Only build inputs in modal

If you want only add inputs in the modal box, this function is more simple. Indeed, you do not manage confirm and close buttons, and get all input value on confirm.

												// Config
												var img = $('img#an-img');
												$("#editor").trumbowyg('openModalInsert', {
												    title: 'A title for modal box',
												    fields: {
												        url: {
												            value: img.attr('src')
												        alt: {
												            label: 'Alt',
												            name: 'alt',
												            value: img.attr('alt'),
												            type: 'text'.
												            attributes: {}
												        example: {
												            // Missing label is replaced by the key of this object (here 'example')
												            // Missing name is the key
												            // When value is missing, value = ''
												            // When type is missing, 'text' is assumed. You can use all the input field types,
												            //   plus checkbox and radio (select and textarea are not supported)
												            // When attributes is missing, {} is used. Attributes are added as attributes to
												            //   the input element.
												            // For radio and checkbox fields, you will need to use attributes if you want it
												            //   to be checked by default.
												    callback: function(values){
												        img.attr('src', values['url']);
												        img.attr('alt', values['alt']);

												        return true; // Return true if you have finished with this modal box
												        // If you do not return anything, you must manage the closing of the modal box yourself

												// You can also listen for modal confirm/cancel events to do some custom things
												// Note: the openModalInsert callback is called on tbwconfirm
												$modal.on('tbwconfirm', function(e){
												    // Do what you want
												$modal.on('tbwcancel', function(e){


Managing correctly text range, is not so trivial. Trumbowyg has a system to save and restore selection range which does not involves typical getter/setter.

Save and get current range
												// Save current range

												// Restore last saved range
Get selection range
												// Range contains a JavaScript range
												var range = $('#editor').trumbowyg('getRange');
Get last saved range text
												// Get text
												var text = $('#editor').trumbowyg('getRangeText');

Manage content

You can set and get current HTML content of the editor with a getter/setter:

											// Get HTML content

											// Set HTML content
											$('#editor').trumbowyg('html', "<p>Your content here</p>");


You can empty the content of the editor.

											// Clear editor

Enable/disable edition

As you can disable editor by using disabled option, you can also switch between enabled and disabled states by using API.

											// States

Toggle between HTML & WYSIWYG modes

You can switch between HTML view and WYSIWYG view via toggle method.

											// Toggle views

Destroy editor

When you wish, you can restore the previous state of the element was used to create the editor.

											// Destroy editor


Some events are fired on the jQuery element which is used to build the editor.
  • Focus on editor: tbwfocus
  • Blur on editor: tbwblur
  • Editor is initialized: tbwinit
  • Change in editor: tbwchange
  • Resize the editor on autogrow: tbwresize
  • Paste something in the editor: tbwpaste
  • Switch to fullscreen mode: tbwopenfullscreen
  • Leave editor's fullscreen mode: tbwclosefullscreen
  • Close the editor: tbwclose
											// Events
											.trumbowyg() // Build Trumbowyg on the #editor element
											.on('tbwfocus', function(){ console.log('Focus!'); }); // Listen for `tbwfocus` event
											.on('tbwblur', function(){ console.log('Blur!'); }); // Listen for `tbwblur` event

Plugin info

Property Description
File name trumbowyg.min.js
Location global_assets/js/plugins/editors/trumbowyg/

Official plugin website

Full documentation

Github project page